Anime St. Louis Got Talent
FRIDAY - April 26, 2024
Rehearsals - 7:00 PM, Showtime - 8:00 PM
If you want to see the hidden explosive talents of people here at Anime St. Louis, then this is the spot! For decades, anime conventions have always had many fantastic people with hidden talents or talents that they love to show off. Well, now’s your time to bring it to the stage. This is pure raw talent against pure raw talent, and it’s all packed into one awesome show here at Anime St. Louis!
Want to show off your talent? Read below how to take part!
Submission forms close 10:00 PM CST - April 5, 2024.
Rehearsals are at 7:00 PM CST - Friday, April 26, 2024.
The show is at 8:00 PM CST - Friday, April 26, 2024.
You will hear from us by APRIL 7th, 2024 from PROGRAMMING@ANIMESTL.NET on your status, rejected or accepted.
- Performances must be family friendly!
- There is not a limit on the number of participants per entry.
- Participants may only appear in one entry.
- Performances are strictly limited to 3 minutes.
- If you’re accepted, all of the participants in your entry can pick up their pre-registration badge or purchase their badges early at the Programming Office, upstairs, at the St. Charles Convention center. This is to help you skip lines and get to practice right away!
- Any music that we need to play needs to be provided on-site as a MP3 or WAV.
- If you get accepted, we will send a follow-up email that will contain additional instructions, including how to submit music files if you are performing.