
Fanfiction Festival

If you can’t make the starting event, you can still participate! 

Pick up the prompt at the Programming Office front desk!

Starting Ceremony - Friday, 5:00 pm

Submission Cutoff: Saturday, at 6:00 PM

Ending Ceremony - Sunday, 10:00 am

Portland - Embassy Suites - Upper Level

Attention fanfiction writers from all fandoms! The time has come for you to showcase your fanfic writing skills and set yourself apart from the crowd in the first ever Anime St. Louis Fanfiction Festival! Finally, an event for all the nerdy Shakespeares and Hemingways to strut their stuff and go head-to-head in a multi-fandom writing competition.

Here’s how it works!

  1. The kickoff event is where the PROMPT will be given out. Miss the kickoff event? You can pick up the PROMPT at the Programming Office front desk until the cutoff time (below)!
  2. From that time, you have until Saturday, at 6:00 PM to complete, proofread, and submit your entry to with the subject line:

“[FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] [FANDOM] Ficfest 2024 Entry”

for example:

John Smith Gurren Lagann Ficfest 2024 Entry

  1. Once you have submitted your entry, it cannot be withdrawn, so make sure you’ve made all the changes you want before doing so! Additionally, any entries submitted after the due time will not be considered.
  2. All submissions will be judged by our expert panel of anonymous judges on the basis of:

Spelling and Grammar


Adherence to the Prompt

  1. Please note: All fic submissions will be considered regardless of fandom, anime or otherwise, so feel free to get weird with your choice!
  2. Please note as well: This is not an 18+ competition. Romantic themes will be permissible, however NSFW or erotic content will be immediately disqualified.
  3. All entries must be under 1000 words in length, however there is no minimum word count.
  4. During the Ending Ceremony, the first, second, and third place winners of the competition will be announced, with special “Judge’s Choice” awards given to entries that stand out or impress in unexpected ways.
  5. Win or lose, this fic is yours! If you choose to post it on AO3 (the Archive of Our Own), feel free to use the tag “ASTL Ficfest 2024” to be featured alongside the others!